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  • Writer's pictureKiasi Mputu


Updated: Sep 4, 2019

Social Media Marketing tools are like weapons and armour for a knight.

Any willing hero can go down to the battlefield - "desperate" - without protection and without tools to fight. But if on the other hand you find armed knights, on their horses and with the appropriate protections, who do you think will get the better of them?

Social Media today is the battlefield for entrepreneurs, marketers and anyone with a business to do. Social Media Marketing tools make it easier to achieve your marketing and business goals. It is also important to choose the right tools to increase productivity, effectiveness and ease of achievement.

It is no longer an option to choose whether or not to be present on social media, because that is the virtual place to go and meet customers. Moreover, it is not enough to be present only on social networks, but you must make users aware and aware of your presence.

Questions to ask to face Social Media Marketing

There are so many things to consider!

You know you want to be active on social platforms, but you don't know how to start the right way? You have to choose the right social platforms for your company and where you can meet your target audience. But where are your potential customers and what are they looking for?

You also need to create engaging content, but how do you decide which social media promotions work best for your target audience? How do you design posts, ads and campaigns that convince users to choose exactly what you offer? How do you know if your campaigns are working and if you can continue on that path?

That's what Social Media Marketing tools come in handy to help you answer all these and many other questions. There are tools to find out what your target audience is looking for and on which platforms. You can even see how your competition behaves and how it is responding to market demand.

Other tools help you design impact posts and others help you plan them at the right time. The important thing is that you clarify the type of communication you want and what your social media approach should be. Once you have established your tone of voice, keep it and do not betray it, it serves to give continuity and familiarity to your communication. Finally, switch to a monitoring and measurement tool that will help you make a detailed analysis of the efficiency of your work.

If the results are not optimal, don't worry! Having data will allow you to adjust your shot.

Social Media Marketing Tools

Social media marketing is not only what you see, but also includes all the strategic plan that must be upstream of the content that is published. Taking up the metaphor of before, even the knights do not take to the field without having a solid plan behind them. The battle always starts earlier: there are motivations, you need enemies, you need planning, attack and defense strategies, etc..

Also for social media marketing there is a detailed strategy that makes all your activities aligned to a single business goal. Social Media Marketing tools are used to make this process easier, faster and more accurate.

But what are these types of tools you can use for your digital marketing and how will each of them increase your social media efforts?

Just as knights need various types of protection and weapons, Social Media Marketing also needs a variety of tools to achieve the best results. Here are the 5 types of tools you need to use.

1. Discovery Tools

Discover and monitor conversations with Social Media Marketing tools

Social Media Marketing is based on the production and sharing of content. But how do you know what people are looking for and what they want?

You have to pay a lot of attention to how people behave within social networks because from this you discover what they prefer, what are their interests and what attracts their attention. If you are able to listen and watch your target audience's behaviour carefully, you can adapt your communication accordingly.

You have to bring users to talk about your brand because it is a way for you to advertise and also to intercept any problems to be solved. You can monitor conversations that arise in tune with your brand, respond instantly to comments and get feedback in real time.

All this will allow you to strengthen your business strategies.

Social Media Marketing tools also allow you to find out what are the trendiest topics and what users are talking about the most. You can use these

You can use this information to create content that works as a hook to your brand.

There are tools with which you can also monitor the behavior of your competitors to see what kind of communication and offers they are doing and how people respond. Use all the information you can retrieve to better plan your strategy and get into the well-equipped field.

2. Design tools

Even if you've figured out which hooks to include in your posts to attract users, it's not always so easy to build a post ad hoc. Surely images have a fundamental role in attracting people's eyes, so you can't think of making a communication in which they're not foreseen.

But when it comes to visual content, you don't just refer to images. In fact, it includes the combination of other components: the colors, the character of the words, the positioning of the buttons that invite to the action. All these elements must be well studied in each of your advertising campaigns because they contribute together to the effectiveness of your ad.

Social media posts must be created paying attention to the size of the images, specific to each platform, to the visual coherence and values that your brand conveys, to the textual part. You must be attentive to every detail to try to build a communication that is complete, consistent and attractive.

You can help yourself with social media design tools to create spectacular images to attract people's attention. Don't leave out any details: images, text, background, fonts, colors, etc.

Find the tool that best suits your needs: depending on the tool you choose, you will have different options for creating your posts.

3. Social media planning tools

social media marketing tools

Set the publishing plan of your social media marketing strategy

Once you've built your post and made it perfect in all its parts, you can't waste it. That's why it's important to ensure it's posted on social networks at the right time. In addition, consistency is also very much appreciated, so respect the days and times when you publish your communications.

If you know your audience, you can build posts with a tone of voice and appearance that suits their preferences. Prepare a number of posts in advance and schedule them to cover a period of several weeks.

Usually you prepare an editorial plan from month to month in which you decide on which days to publish and which types of content. There are social media marketing tools that help you understand the most effective days and times to post. Other tools allow you to schedule your content so you can automate sending it across multiple profiles and social platforms.

Using a planning tool helps you whether you are working alone or as part of a marketing team. These tools are also very useful for coordinating and aligning everyone's work.

4. Measurement and analysis tools

After carefully studying the social media marketing activity for your brand, you also need to understand if what you did worked. How? With the tools that allow you to collect data and analyze the progress of your work. Only with feedback will you be able to realize the direction you are taking and, if necessary, adjust what does not give results. In this way you will build a solid presence on social platforms and allow your business to grow.

Measurement and analysis tools allow you to evaluate the performance of your marketing strategy as a whole. You'll get detailed reports on your social campaigns to understand how it's going and where there are improvements to be made.

Let's see which metrics you need to pay more attention to:

Volume: Refers to the scale of the conversations your campaign has generated. It allows you to understand how much activity there has been around your post.

Reach: the number of unique individuals who have viewed your ad. It's always nice to see your reach increase, but you have to make sure that people are really involved.

Involvement: This measures the actual involvement of users. That is, the number of likes, shares, comments, etc.

Only after you have published a certain number of campaigns will you be able to have an idea of what works best and so you can structure your future promotions.

Not only do you analyze your situation, but it is also useful to include it in the performance of your sector of reference. This is useful to understand how you're doing, what goals you can aim for and how you put yourself in the market.

This is to help you understand how you're doing, what goals you can aim for and how you enter the market.

5. Management tools

And here we are with the Social Media Marketing tools that allow you to better manage all your web marketing planning. Because they combine more features going to take those of the tools described above and offer you control of your activities on social networks.

For example, with a single management tool you can keep under control all your platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.. The feature sets vary depending on the tools, even in this case you need to understand what does most to your case.

Whether you have a large company or a small business, time is always tight because of the amount of things you have to do. With these tools you will be able to manage multiple platforms from the same portal. You will also have an overall and complete picture of how your social campaigns are going.

With Social Media Marketing tools you get more results.

Just as I said at the beginning, you can go down into battle and fight with your bare hands or you can prepare properly to face any challenge. If you use the various tools of Social Media Marketing in the right way, combining them together, you will have more chances to do a great job and increase your profits.

Each step becomes easier with the help of the right tools and you will be able to achieve your goals knowing that you are on the right track.

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